- Codruta Badea, “The physics of life forms”,
Student scientific conference, Timisoara, 1997.
- M.
Damian, Codruta Badea, “Triangulation
uniforme des surfaces B-spline avec des frontieres complexes”,
Acta Technica Cluj-Napoca,
- Codruta Badea, “Study by shadow moiré
method of the prismatic bars subjected to torsion”, 18th Danubia-Adria Symposium on
Experimental Methods in Solid mechanics, Steyr, Austria, 2001.
- Gh. I. Pop, Codruta Badea, “Dynamics measurement of
Stresses in Strings”, FTEM Conference, Iasi, 2002.
- Codruta Badea, A. I. Botean, “Photoelastic
calibration. The study by optical and numerically methods of
the stress concentrators in pieces subjected to strain”, Physics
conference TIM-03, Timisoara 2003.
- I. Pastrav, Codruta Badea, M. C. Dudescu, “Study by
shadow moiré method of the prismatic bars subjected to
torsion ”, Acta
Technica Napocensis, UTCN, 2003.
- A.I. Botean, Codruta Badea, Augustin Cretu, “On the normal
stresses concentration in the U shape constructive elements”, 10th International symposium on
experimental stress analysis and material testing, Sibiu, 2004.
- Augustin Cretu, Codruta Badea,
“Albert Einstein – Geniu al secolului XX”, Stiinta si inginerie,
vol 7, pag.9-21, Sebes, 2004.