V. Militaru, Preocupari privind poluarea de
radiofrecventa a mediului, Analele Universitatii din Oradea,
FIZICA-A, Tom XIII, 65-74, 2003.
R. Cret, V. Militaru, L. Cret, Experimental
Study of Polymer/Glass Composites, Proceedings of the 4th International
Workshop "Materials for Electrotechnics", 369-372,
ISBN 973-718-006-2, Univ. POLITEHNICA, Bucuresti, 2004.
R. Cret, V. Militaru, L. Cret, Experimental
Study of Electric Behavior of Some Glass/Polymer Composites,
Acta Electrotehnica, Volume 45, Number 2, ISSN 1224-2497, p.93-96,
Cluj-Napoca, 2004.
V. Militaru, Precautionary Behaviour in the
Use of Mobile Telephones, Lucrarile sesiunii anuale de comunicari
stiintifice a Universitatii din Oradea, p.6, 27-29 mai 2004.
V. Militaru, Precautionary Use of the Cellular
Handsets, Environment and Progress, p.25, ISBN: 973-8254-77-9
UBB Cluj-Napoca, 29-30 octombrie 2004..