Lista de Lucrari


Lucrari de Diploma

  1. Ramona Marcean, Transformari Conforme, Lucrare de Diploma, Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
  2. Ramona Marcean, Spatii Hardy, Lucrare de Disertatie, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, 2003.
  1. Radu Fechete, Dan E. Demco, Dumitrita C. Moldovan, Ramona I. Chelcea , Eugen Culea, Rezonanta Magnetica Nucleara: Metode clasice si Moderne, Editura Risoprint, Cluj - Napoca, ISBN 978 - 973 - 53 - 0441 - 6, pg. 260 (2010).
  2. R. Fechete, D. Corpodean (Moldovan), R. Chelcea , Applications of modern NMR techniques to nanocomposite materials and biomat erials , Editura UTPress , Cluj - Napoca, ISBN 978 - 973 - 662 - 906 - 8 , pg 183 (2013) - in limba engleza
  3. R. Fechete, R. Chelcea , D. Moldovan, S. Nicoara, I. Coroiu, C. Badea, E. Culea, I. Cosma, N. Serban, Fizica. Indrumator de Laborator, Ed. UTPress, ISBN 978 - 973 - 662 - 952 - 5, pg. 152 (2014).
  4. Ramona Ioana Chelcea , Eugen Culea, Investigarea si modelarea proprietatilor structurale ale unor sisteme vitroase si vitroceramice germanate, Ed. UTPress, ISBN 978 - 606 - 737 - 060 - 7, pg. 152 (2015).


Lucrari in reviste din tara

  1. M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete, The behaviour of some butadiene elastomers submitted to the degrading action of climatic factors studied by photoacoustic techniqe, Studia Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L 4b, 633-636 (2005).
  2. M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete, The action of marine climate on some polymers, Studia Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L 4b, 637-640 (2005).
  3. M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete , Application of NMR techniques in studying the dynamics of some polymers, Studia Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L 4b, 641-645 (2005).
  4. M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete, Application of an IR techniques in studying the structure of some polymers, Studia Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L 3, 264-270 (2005).
  5. E. Culea, M. Neumann, A. Tukacs, L. Pop, M. Culea, M. Bosca, R. Marcean, Spectroscopic and magnetic study of some oxide glasses containing Cerium ions, (submitted 2005).
  6. E. Culea, L. Pop, R. Fechete, P. Pascuta, S. Rada, M. Culea, M. Bosca, R. Chelcea , Spectroscopic and magnetic properties of xGd 2 O 3 ·(1 - x)[0,15Bi 2 O 3 - 0,85TeO 2 ] glasses, Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara, Seria Fizica , vol. XLIX, 55 - 58 , (2006).
  7. L. Pop, E. Culea, M. Culea, S. Rada, P. Pascuta, R. Fechete, M. Bosca, R. Chelcea , Structural properties of Bi2O3 - PbO glasses doped with rare - earth ions, Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara, Seria Fizica, vol. XLVIII, 204 - 207, (2006).
  8. R. S. Sipos, R. Fechete, R. I. Chelcea , D. Moldovan, Z. Pap, Z. Pávai, D. E. Demco; Ovariectomized rats’ femur treated with fibrates and statins. Assessment of pore - size distribution by 1H - NM R relaxometry ; Rom J Morphol Embryol , 56(2 Suppl), pp 743 – 752 , ( 2015 ).
  9. Ramona I. Chelcea , Remus S. Şipos, Radu Fechete, Dumitrița Moldovan, Ioana Şuş, Zoltan Pávai and Dan E. Demco , One - dimensional Laplace spectroscopy used for the assessment of pore - size distribution on the ovariectomized rats femur, Studia Universitatis Babes - Bolyai Chemia, Volume 60, pp 57 - 70, (2015)
  10. N. Cioica, R. Fechete, R. Chelcea , C. Cota, M. Todica, C.V. Pop and O. Cozar, Water absorption and degradation of packages based on native corn starch with plasticizers, Studia Universitatis Babes - Bolyai Chemia, Volume 60, pp 45 - 55, (2015).


Lucrari in reviste din strainatate

  1. Marko Bertmer, Dan E. Demco, Mingfei Wang, Claudiu Melian, Ramona I. Marcean-Chelcea, Radu Fechete, Maria Baias, Bernhard Blümich, Segmental dynamic heterogeneity of short-chaingrafted-poly(dimethylsiloxane) by 1H spin-diffusion NMR, Chem. Phys. Letter, 431 404-409 (2006).
  2. R. Marcean-Chelcea, R. Fechete, E. Culea, D.E. Demco, B. Blümich, Segmental Order and Dynamics of Polymer Networks Using Dipolar Correlation Effect Measured in Low Field NMR, American Institute of Physics CP899, 561 (2007).
  3. R. Marcean-Chelcea, R. Fechete, E. Culea, D.E. Demco, B. Blümich, Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties Correlations of Polymer Networks Measured in Low Field NMR, American Institute of Physics CP899, 567 (2007)
  4. Chelcea, R.I ., Fechete, R., Culea, E., D emco, D.E., Blümich, B. ; Distributions of transverse relaxation times for soft - solids measured in strongly inhomogeneous magnetic fields; Journal of Magnetic Resonance 196 (2) , pp. 178 - 190; (2009).
  5. S. Rada, E. Culea, M. Rada, V. Maties, M. Bosca, L. Pop, R. Fechete , R. Chelcea , D. Moldovan, Immobilization of gadolinium in borate - tellurate glasses, J. Physics: Conf. Series 182 ; 012075 (2009) .
  6. Rada, S., Chelcea, R ., Culea, E. ; The presence of fivefold germanium as a possible transitional phase in the iron - lead - germanate glass system; Journal of Materials Science 45 (22) , pp. 6025 - 602 9; (2010)
  7. Rada, S., Chelcea, R ., Culea, M., Dehelean, A., Culea, E. ; Experimental and theoretical investigations of the copper - lead - germanate glasses; Journal of Molecular Structure 977 (1 - 3) , pp. 170 - 174; (2010).
  8. Chelcea, R ., Rada, S., Culea , E., Rada, M. ; Structural study of ternary iron - lead - germanate glass ceramics; Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 79 (3) , pp. 481 - 485; (2011)
  9. Rada, S., Chelcea, R ., Culea, M., Culea, E. ; The improvement of the amorpho us environment of the germanate - tellurate glasses in the presence of the gadolinium ions; Journal of Materials Scienc e 46 (5) , pp. 1289 - 1294; (2011).
  10. Rada, S., Dehelean, A., Stan, M., Chelcea, R ., Culea, E. ; Structural studies on iron - tellurite glasses pre pared by sol - gel method; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (1) , pp. 147 - 151; (2011)
  11. Rada, S., Chelcea, R ., Culea, E. , Experimental and theoretical investigations on the structure - properties interrelationship of the gadolinium - vanadate - germanate glasses ; Journal of Molecular Modeling 17 (1) , pp. 165 - 171; (2011)
  12. S. Rada , R. Chelcea , M. Rada, A. Bot, N. Aldea, V. Rednic, E. Culea ; Electroch emical characterization and structure of tungsten – lead – germanate glasses and glass ceramics ; Electrochimica Acta , Volume 109, 30 , pp 82 – 88 ; (2013)
  13. Rada, S., Culea, E., Chelcea, R ., Rada, M., Bot, A., Aldea, N., Rednic , V.; Physical properties and electrochemical performance of molybdenum - lead - germanate glasses and glass ceramics, Ceramics International 39 (2) , pp. 1403 - 1411; (2013)
  14. Rada, M., Chelcea, R ., Rada, S., Rus, L., Dura, N., Ristoiu, T., Rusu, T., Culea, E., Effect of aluminum oxide codoping on copper - lead - germanate glasses; Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 102 , pp. 414 - 418; (2013)
  15. R. Chelcea , S. Rada , E. Culea , I. Coroiu ; The change of the local environment of MnO incorporated in the lead - germanate glassy network ; Journal of Non - Crystal line Solids 433,pp 45 – 50 , (2016).


Participari la conferinte

  1. 1.M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete, The behaviour of some butadiene elastomers submitted to the degrading action of climatic factors studied by photoacoustic techniqe, PIM International Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 22-24 (2005).
  2. M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete, The action of marine climate on some polymers, PIM International Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 22-24 (2005) (2005).
  3. M. Butnaru, R. Marcean, O. Cozar, I. Bratu and R. Fechete, Application of NMR techniques in studying the dynamics of some polymers, PIM International Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 22-24 (2005) (2005).
  4. E. Culea, M. Neumann, A. Tukacs, L. Pop, M. Culea, M. Bosca, R. Marcean, Spectroscopic and magnetic study of some oxide glasses containing Cerium ions, Physics Congerence TIM-05, Timisoara, 25-26 noiembrie 2005, pg.47
  5. R. Marcean-Chelcea, R. Fechete, E. Culea, D.E. Demco*, B. Blümich, Segmental Order and Dynamics of Polymer Networks Using Dipolar Correlation Effect Measured in Low Field NMR, BPU The 6th International Conference of the Balkan physical Union, Istanbul, Turkey, August 22-26 (2006).
  6. R. Marcean-Chelcea, R. Fechete, E. Culea, D.E. Demco*, B. Blümich, Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties Correlations of Polymer Networks Measured in Low Field NMR, BPU The 6th International Conference of the Balkan physical Union, Istanbul, Turkey, August 22-26 (2006).
  7. L. Pop, R. Fechete, P. Pascuta, S. Rada, M. Culea, M. Bosca, R. Chelcea, E. Culea Spectroscopic and magnetic proprerties of xR2O3(1-x)(0,15Bi2O3-0,85TeO2) glasses, Physics Congerence TIM-06, Timisoara, 25-26 noiembrie 2006, pg.61
  8. L. Pop, E. Culea, , M. Culea, S. Rada, P. Pascuta, R. Fechete, M. Bosca, R. Chelcea, Structural proprerties of Bi2O3-PbO glasses doped with rare-earth ions, Physics Congerence TIM-06, Timisoara, 25-26 noiembrie 2006, pg.68
  9. Ramona Chelcea , Eugen Culea, and Radu Fechete, Microscopic networks properties correlations of gelly cosmetics materials , Isotopic and Molecular Processes, September 20 – 22 Cluj - Napoca, Romania, (2007).
  10. R. Fechete, R. I. Chelcea , E. Culea, D. E. Demco and B. Blümich, Dipolar correlation functions of soft solids by NMR in strongly inhomogeneous magnetic fields, European Magnetic Resonance Conference, EUROMAR, Tarragona, Spania 1 - 6 Iulie (2007).
  11. R. I. Chelcea , R. Fechete, E. Culea, D. E. Demco and B. Blümich, Dynamic heterogeneities in soft solids by NM R in strongly inhomogeneous magnetic fields , European Magnetic Resonance Conference, EUROMAR, Tarragona, Spania 1 - 6 Iulie (2007).
  12. P. Păşcuţă , M. Bosca, R. Chelcea , L. Pop, S. Rada, E. Culea, EPR and Magnetic Susceptibility Studies of Gd 3+ Ions Doped Bismuth - Germanate Glass Matrix, EUROMAR, Magnetic Resonance Conference , July 1 - 6, 2007, Tarragona , Spain, ISSN: 0003 - 925X .
  13. S. Rada, E. Culea, M. Rada, V. Maties, M. Bosca, L. Pop, R. Fechete, R. Chelcea , D. Moldovan, Immobilisation of gadolinium in borate - tellurate glasses, Process in isotopes an molecules, 2009, September 24 - 26, Cluj - Napoca, Romania, T5 - 21.
  14. S. Rada, R. Chelcea , L. Pop , M. Bosca, T. Tistoiu, I. Coroiu, E. Culea, Germanate anomaly in gadolinium - lead - germante glasses, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVI, 2009 , August 30 - September 3, Budapest, Hungary, PW - 48.
  15. R. Chelcea , S. Rada, E. Culea, FTIR, UV - VIS an d EPR spectroscopy investigations of the copper - lead - germanate glasses, EUCMOS 2010, 30th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Florence, Italy, 29august - 3septempber 2010, PS - 54, pag. 178.
  16. S. Rada, R. Chelcea , A. Dehelean, P. Pascuta, T. Ristoiu, I. Coroiu, M. Barlea, E. Culea, FTIR, UV - VIS and EPR investigations of the gadolinium - lead - tellurate unconventional glasses, EUCMOS 2010, 30th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Florence, Italy, 29august - 3septempber 2010, PS - 55, pag. 179.
  17. Ramona I. Chelcea , Remus S. Şipos, Radu Fechete, Dumitrița Moldovan , Ioana Şuş , Zoltan Pávai and Dan E. Demco, One - dimensional Laplace spectroscopy used for the assessment of pore - size distribution on the ovariectomized rats femur, BioNanoSpec 2014 , Cluj – Napoca, Romania, 7 - 10 september 2014, PB - 26, pag. 62 2.
  18. N. Cioica, R. Fechete, R. Chelcea , C. Cota, M. Todica, C.V. Pop and O. Cozar, Water absorption and degradation of packages based on native corn starch with plasticizers, BioNanoSpec 2014 , Cluj – Napoca, Romania, 7 - 10 september 2014, PN - 3, pag. 73
  19. D. Moldovan, R. I. Chelcea, D. E. Demco, R. Fechete, Characterization of Superabsorbent Hydrogels by Low-Field 1D and 2D 1H NMR Laplace Spectroscopy, Conferinta Internationala EUROMAR 2016, Aarhus, Danemarca, 3-7 Iulie (2016).
  20. R. Fechete, D. Moldovan, R. I. Chelcea, D. E. Demco, Experimental and numeric characterization of various PEM membranes for fuel cells, Conferinta Internationala EUROMAR 2016, Aarhus, Danemarca, 3-7 Iulie (2016).
  21. R. I. Chelcea, D. Moldovan, D. E. Demco, R. Fechete, The NR segmental dynamics response at thermal treatment monitored by 1H DQ NMR and Laplace spectra, Conferinta Internationala EUROMAR 2016, Aarhus, Danemarca, 3-7 Iulie (2016).