~ Simona Nicoara's site ~


















































  Education                   Known foreign languages

Professional teaching experience    Membership






Present position: Associate Professor,

Department of Physics,Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, TUC-N

- C. Daicoviciu str., nr. 15; 400020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania -

Tel: 0040 264 401 262

Fax: 0040 264 592 055



PhD in Physics, June 1997 : University “Babes-Bolyai” of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Awarded “Doctor’s Diploma”

Post-Diploma study, 1997  Joint degree, by the Technical Universityof Cluj-Napoca, Romania University of Minnesota, USA, Awarded “Certificate”

B Sc in Physics, 1984 : Physics Faculty, “Babes-Bolyai”University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Awarded “Diploma of Merit”  


 Known foreign languages :

-English – Fluent: very good reading, writing and speaking ( 12 years of study)

- French – Fluent: very good reading, writing and speaking (12 years of study)

- Italian - fair reading and speaking.   




Position held


Oct. 2002-present

Associate Professor/Reader, tenured full time

Physics Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTC-N), Romania

Feb. 1997 - Sept. 2002

Assistant Proffesor/Lecturer tenured, full time

Physics Department, UTC-N, Romania

Feb. 1991 - Feb.1997

Assistant of Professor tenured, full time

Physics Department, UTC-N, Romania

Sept. 1990 - Feb. 1991

Assistant of Professor Part Time, external collaborator

Physics Department, UTC-N, Romania

Sept. 1989 - Sept. 1990

Assistant of Professor

Physics Faculty, "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Sept. 1984 - Feb. 1991

School Teacher full time, tenured

-Gymnasium level and

- High-School level

Cluj-Napoca, Romania




- Romanian Society of Physics

- European Society of Physics

- Romanian Society of Mass Spectrometry

- International Society of the Indoor and Built Environment

- alumni association Eco-Management Group


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 see external links:

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering 

Physics Department

 ECO Management Center


                Universitatea Tehnica Cluj - Napoca
Str. Constantin Daicoviciu nr 15, 400020 Cluj - Napoca, Romania
tel. +4 0264 401 200, 401248, tel./fax +4 0264 592 055


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