~ Simona Nicoara's site ~


















Professional Experience
- Research -

Main Focus: Analytical Mass Spectrometry of Biologically Active Compounds
Thesis title: Electron Impact Mass Spetrometry Study on Molecular Structure Investigation for Complex Organic Compounds with Biologic Potential

Analytical principle applied in mass spectrometry

Analytical Techniques Used:

GC/MS equipment

  • EI/MS (electron impact ionization mass spectrometry)
  • FID-GC(gas cromatography with flame ionizatoin detector)
  • GC/MS (coupled gar chromatograph and mass spectrometer)
  • double Q-MS (quadruple mass spectrometer)

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 see external links:

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering 

Physics Department

 ECO Management Center


                  Universitatea Tehnica Cluj - Napoca
Str. Constantin Daicoviciu nr 15, 400020 Cluj - Napoca, Romania
tel. +4 0264 401 200, 401248, tel./fax +4 0264 592 055


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