
1. Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) - Thermo Quest, Trace DSQ/2000 equiped with autosampler for headspace, lichids, SPME.

2. Gas chromatograph coupled with ion trap mass spectrometer - Polaris Q , (MS/MS)5, equipped with autosampler .

3. Gas chromatograph - Agilent 6890, FID and ECD detectors.4.UV-VIS spectrometrer, Perkin Elmer

Mass spectrometer (Thermo Finigan Trace DSQ) cupled with gaz chromatograph (Trace GC) and the ionic trap mass spectrometer (Polaris Q Mass Spectrometer MS/MS) coupled with GC.

      UV-VIS spectrometer (Perkin Elmer).

Gas chromatograph (Agilent 6890).      

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